Status Update – 3/14/11 at 1:00 pm EST (Source – The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan (FEPC))

As of 1:00PM (EST), March 14, 2011 * Radiation Levels o At 9:37AM (JST) on March 14, a radiation level of 3130 micro sievert was recorded at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. o At 10:35AM on March 14, a radiation level of 326 micro sievert was recorded at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.…

As of 1:00PM (EST), March 14, 2011

* Radiation Levels
o At 9:37AM (JST) on March 14, a radiation level of 3130 micro
sievert was recorded at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power
o At 10:35AM on March 14, a radiation level of 326 micro
sievert was recorded at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power
o Most recently, at 2:30PM on March 14, a radiation level of
231 micro sievert was recorded at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Station.
* Fukushima Daiichi Unit 1 reactor
o As of 12:00AM on March 15, the injection of seawater
continues into the primary containment vessel.
* Fukushima Daiichi Unit 2 reactor
o At 12:00PM on March 14, in response to lower water levels,
TEPCO began preparations for injecting seawater into the
reactor core.
o At 5:16PM on March 14, the water level in the reactor core
covered the top of the fuel rods.
o At 6:20PM on March 14, TEPCO began to inject seawater into
the reactor core.
o For a short time around 6:22PM on March 14, the water level
inside the reactor core fell below the lower measuring range
of the gauge.  As a result, TEPCO believes that the fuel
rods in the reactor core might have been fully exposed.
o At 7:54PM on March 14, engineers confirmed that the gauge
recorded the injection of seawater into the reactor core.
o At 8:37PM on March 14, in order to alleviate the buildup of
pressure, slightly radioactive vapor, that posed no health
threat, was passed through a filtration system and emitted
outside via a ventilation stack from Fukushima Daiichi Unit
2 reactor vessel.
* Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 reactor
o At 11:01AM on March 14, an explosion occurred at Fukushima
Daiichi Unit 3 reactor damaging the roof of the secondary
containment building. Caused by the interaction of hydrogen
and oxygen vapor, in a fashion to Unit 1 reactor, the
explosion *did not damage the primary containment vessel* or
the reactor core.
o As of 12:38AM (JST) on March 15, the injection of seawater
has been suspended.
* Fukushima Daini Unit 1 reactor
o As of 1:24AM on March 14, TEPCO commenced the cooling
process after the pumping system was restored.
o At 10:15AM on March 14, TEPCO confirmed that the average
water temperature held constant below 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
* Fukushima Daini Unit 2 reactor
o At 7:13AM on March 14, TEPCO commenced the cooling process.
o As of 3:52PM on March 14, the cooling function was restored
and the core temperature was stabilized below 212 degrees
* Fukushima Daini Unit 3 reactor
o As of 12:15PM on March 13, reactor has been cooled down and
* Fukushima Daini Unit 4 reactor__
o At 3:42PM on March 14, cooling of the reactor commenced,
with TEPCO engineers working to achieve cold shutdown.

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